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Teaching at Cologne University

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SoSe2016 — Data Analysis for Astronomy and Physics

Msc and BSc course, Cologne University, I. Physical Institute, 2016

The lecture introduces the basic aspects of data analysis and the application of statistical methods to data in astronomy and other physical sciences.

SoSe2015 — Data Analysis for Astronomy and Physics

Msc and BSc course, Cologne University, I. Physical Institute, 2015

The lecture introduces the basic aspects of data analysis and the application of statistical methods to data in astronomy and other physical sciences.

SoSe2014 — Data Analysis for Astronomy and Physics

Msc and BSc course, Cologne University, I. Physical Institute, 2014

The lecture introduces the basic aspects of data analysis and the application of statistical methods to data in astronomy and other physical sciences.

WiSe2013 — Astrophysik I

BSc course, Cologne University, I. Physical Institute, 2013

Anwendung physikalischer Prinzipien auf astrophysikalische Problemstellungen / Verständnis der grundlegenden Konzepte der Astrophysik / Überblick über experimentelle Methoden der Astronomie und selbstständige Behandlung einfacher Probleme in Übungsaufgaben.